Books for Kids

Make a difference and donate to the Books for Kids campaign!

Our Campaign

In 2011, CBAL partnered with Black Press to create a campaign to raise awareness and funds to support our family literacy programs. The campaign was called  Reach a Reader. Working with Black Press was the perfect partnership and soon many local credit unions stepped up and joined the cause. Last year we partnered with six credit unions, 11 Black Press papers, and one community paper!

A few years later, the campaign was renamed Books for Kids and another important partner came onboard – Blue Sky Clothing (thanks to our provincial literacy organization – Decoda Literacy Solutions). This Kootenay business legend helped us to add the sale of Socks for Literacy to our campaign. This year we have expanded our campaign to include the sale of custom t-shirts.

Last year, CBAL raised over $50,000 through donations and sock sales! The best part is that every dollar that is raised in a community, stays in that community.  With the funds raised through our Books for Kids campaign we can reach and support more readers through our family literacy programs. Learning starts in the home and bringing books and programs to families in our communities just makes sense!

2021 Updates

The campaign will launch in the coming weeks! Check back as we update this page with all the details! For now, check out the programs and news from the CBAL office in your community!