Our Vision

We envision a Columbia Basin and Boundary where communities embrace lifelong learning and people have the skills to thrive in learning, life and work.

CBAL is part of the extensive literacy network that supports community-based literacy work and learning across British Columbia. The funding we receive from Decoda Literacy Solutions, the Province of British Columbia, and Columbia Basin Trust allows our community literacy outreach coordinators (CLOC) to deliver meaningful local programming – without this support, we would not be the organization we are today!

meet our Management team


Desneiges Profili

meet our regional support team


Carolyn Amantea

Our Mission

CBAL engages with people of all ages in literacy and lifelong learning by providing a broad range of community-based programs and supports.

Meet Our Board

CBAL's Board of Directors are committed to literacy and lifelong learning and providing outstanding leadership to the organization. The board reflects the vast geographical region CBAL serves and the complex partnerships that allow CBAL to work efficiently and effectively in the Columbia Basin and Boundary communities.

  • Allison Alder
  • Cari-Ann Gotta
  • David Standing
  • Jack Moes
  • Jean Sulzer, Interim Board Chair
  • Karen Bennett
  • Kay Coburn
  • Linda Chell
  • Lisa Patry, Treasurer

Annual Reports and Strategic Plans

Our annual report is an opportunity to share the stories of our work. We love what we do and we'd like you to know all about it. Take a look at our most recent Annual Report.

CBAL's latest strategic plan can be found here.  We thrive on adapting and changing to meet the literacy and lifelong learning needs of our communities. Our strategic plan reflects who we are, where we want to go, and how we intend on getting there. We have big plans to lead us over the coming years!

Our Programs & services

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Family Literacy

Learn more

Literacy begins with families!

We offer numerous FREE programs for families. Family programs aim to help parents and caregivers gain new skills and knowledge to enhance their children's literacy skills. 

Visit the Family Literacy page to learn more!

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Adult & Senior Literacy

Learn more

Learning is a lifelong adventure!

Everyone is at a different point in their learning journey. We can help with reading, writing, numeracy, digital technology and workplace skills. We are here to help you with free group and one-on-one programs. 

Visit our Adult & Senior page to learn more!

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Child & Youth Literacy

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Children & youth are the future!

Our FREE programs provide opportunities to learn and grow. We work with schools and other community partners to provide free reading support programs, after school programs, writing programs, and skills for life!

To learn more, visit our Child & Youth program page!

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Language & Settlement Services

Learn more

Settlement is a journey- let us help!

We provide free settlement and language services. Help is available to permanent residents, refugees, provincial nominees, temporary foreign workers, naturalized Canadian citizens and international students.

Visit our Language or Settlement Services pages to find an office near you!

What do our partners say about our us?

"Kootenay Savings is proud to be a long-time supporter of the Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy.  Just like reading, writing and arithmetic are essential life skills that should be learned at an early age, so too is knowing  how to control your finances.  As a local credit union, we have the expertise to help strengthen financial literacy in our communities, and are more committed than ever to helping people of all ages become financially savvy." KSCU

"We are so fortunate to have a partner in our region like CBAL. Their staff are knowledgeable, caring and go above and beyond to support clients. Their partnership in the Rural & Northern Immigration Pilot has been invaluable." Community Futures Central Kootenay

"CBAL is an essential community partner for us to refer job seekers for assistance with their literacy needs. We are also very glad for CBAL identifying individuals who can benefit from our employment programs and directing them to our services."  Work BC Centre- Cranbrook


Our work is funded through a variety of local, regional, provincial and federal grants. These funders provide CBAL with the necessary resources to achieve great things. We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and the Ministry of Post-Seondary Education and Future Skills. We are appreciative of the following regional funders for their continued support of community literacy initiatives.